Integrations and APIs

FirePrograms core philosophy is distinctly different from our competitors.  Whereas competitors attempt to be ‘all things to everybody’ in our 40 years providing Records Management Systems to the fire service, we inherently understand that technology moves with greater speed every day.

FirePrograms focuses our energy and development efforts on continuously expanding the most robust fire business system available in the marketplace.  Our system is focused on serving those that are serious about their data and business needs with a cost-effective platform.

FirePrograms is pleased to apply our exclusive APIs to leverage the latest advancements in technology for our customers.

Multiple CAD Vendors – processing dozens of file types and formats, with the ability to pull CAD data or have CAD data pushed to both hosted and local installations

  • Motorola
  • Central Square
  • Inform
  • Zuercher
  • TriTech
  • Relativity CAD
  • Omnigo CAD
  • Tyler Technologies
  • Spillman Technologies
  • QED
  • InterAct CAD


Billing ServicesAPI with Fire Recovery:   

Since 2006 Fire Recovery USA has become the nation’s largest cost recovery company serving fire and EMS departments across the United States. We specialize in recovering the cost of Fire Department Responses to MVC’s, collecting revenues for Fire & Life Safety Inspections, and Maximizing Dollars Collected per trip on EMS Transports. 

Watch the Video.


Data Analysis API with  

Simply put StatsFD works with you to improve performance. StatsFD is a desktop application with three missions. The first is to analyze fire department operations using every contemporary calculation. The second is to automatically monitor performance 24 / 7. It engages firefighters by providing immediate feedback about successes and misses. Finally, StatsFD automatically publishes targeted reports to command staff delivering them via iPhone, iPad, Android phone and tablets.  

Watch the Video.


CAD Data AnalysisAPI with Fire Department Computerized Management Solutions:

Affordable Computerized  Integration and Notification Systems for Fire Stations Since 2001 


Digital Station Signage and DashboardsFirst Arriving:

Communicate Like Never before

Keep your personnel and visitors up to date with real-time alerts, easy-to-update mission-critical information, 100+ third party integrations and features, consolidated data visualization and more on the big screen, desktop & tablet for fire departments, EMS, police, local government municipalities. industrial, safety & hospitals.

Watch the Video.

For additional API and integration opportunities with FirePrograms contact: