Incident Reporting

Fastest incident report entry time, period.

Accomplished with exclusive rapid search of NFIRS lookups – type a few letters to quickly locate and select your entry, everywhere.  Easiest location entry. Simply type a few letters to immediately select the correct street with a pre-populated street list for your area.Interfaces with all CAD systems.

Intelligent forms automatically expand and collapse groups so you can quickly enter data – all without the need for annoying ‘next’, ‘back’ or ‘save and continue’ buttons that other reporting systems rely on to load the next limited set of fields.  Jump to any group at any time – no need to follow pre-defined data entry patterns.

NFIRS  highlighting and real time validation not only points out required fields, but provides a current count of outstanding required fields and exclusive ‘click to navigate to the field’ functionality.  Set your own agency field requirements and validation colors.

No need to settle for website-only systems that deploy ‘one size fits all’ generic forms.   Customizable fields can be placed throughout FirePrograms to track and report your agency’s unique data needs.

Web Starting at

$1002 annually including Unlimited Support and Software Updates

One-time $525 Setup

Modular Interface Design - work on multiple record types simultaneously